Report date: 2021-07-08
The frequency of all keywords found in this state's standards: 7
Comparable state score: 0.263 (median: .303, SD: .324)
The frequency above is the sum of all keywords found in all of this state's four core academic standards and the state's CTE/career standards. This total count is broken down by keyword and discipline area below.
On this site, 'comparable scores' are calculated as: keywords found divided by total words in the standards document(s) - multiplied by 100,000. The comparable scores attempt to normalize data, accounting for very different sizes of curriculum guidance documentation.
Frequencies by keyword or phrase:- spatial: 7
- GIS: 0
Frequencies by discipline area: - SS: 4
(Comp: 2.012) - SC: 0
(Comp: 0.0) - MA: 2
(Comp: 0.199) - ELA: 1
(Comp: 0.07) - CTE: 0
(Comp: 0.0)
Support files: Examples of keyword use by discipline area (and document): - ELA
- Grade 3.pdf, page:18, position:571
of mind or degrees of certainty.* 3.L.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and temporal relationships.*
- MA
- ccssmath.pdf, page:2, position:290
greater focus and coherence Mathematics experiences in early childhood settings should concentrate on (1) number (which includes whole number, operations, and relations) and (2) geometry, spatial relations, and measurement, with more mathematics - ccssmath.pdf, page:8, position:1377
combined sets, or counting the number of objects that remain in a set after some are taken away. (2) Students describe their physical world using geometric ideas (e.g., shape, orientation, spatial relations) and vocabulary. They identify, name,
- SS
- 2021 Social Science Standards Integrated with Ethnic Studies.pdf, page:17, position:478
impacts historically underrepresented identities, cultures, and communities in the Eastern Hemisphere. 7.16 Explain how changes in transportation and communication technology affect the spatial connections among human settlements and the diff - 2021 Social Science Standards Integrated with Ethnic Studies.pdf, page:20, position:1329
can influence financial decision-making such as spending and saving decisions. Geography 8.19 Interpret maps to identify the growth and development of the United States (such as spatial population density, mental maps, and spatial pa - 2021 Social Science Standards Integrated with Ethnic Studies.pdf, page:25, position:1920
external factors such as marketing and advertising techniques might influence spending and saving decisions. Geography HS.38 * Use technologies to create maps to display and explain the spatial patterns of cultural and environmental charact - 2021 Social Science Standards Integrated with Ethnic Studies.pdf, page:26, position:37