Report date: 2021-07-08
The frequency of all keywords found in this state's standards: 2
Comparable state score: 0.134 (median: .303, SD: .324)
The frequency above is the sum of all keywords found in all of this state's four core academic standards and the state's CTE/career standards. This total count is broken down by keyword and discipline area below.
On this site, 'comparable scores' are calculated as: keywords found divided by total words in the standards document(s) - multiplied by 100,000. The comparable scores attempt to normalize data, accounting for very different sizes of curriculum guidance documentation.
Frequencies by keyword or phrase:- spatial: 2
- GIS: 0
Frequencies by discipline area: - SS: 0
(Comp: 0.0) - SC: 0
(Comp: 0.0) - MA: 2
(Comp: 0.282) - ELA: 0
(Comp: 0.0) - CTE: 0
(Comp: 0.0)
Support files: Examples of keyword use by discipline area (and document): - MA
- ADA_CC_MathStandards.pdf, page:2, position:227
greater focus and coherenceMathematics experiences in early childhood settings should concentrate on (1)number (which includes whole number, operations, and relations) and (2)geometry, spatial relations, and measurement, with more mathematics - ADA_CC_MathStandards.pdf, page:8, position:1334
objects in combined sets, or counting the number of objectsthat remain in a set after some are taken away.(2)Students describe their physical world using geometric ideas (e.g.,shape, orientation, spatial relations) and vocabulary. They identify, name,a